During the Disease
So, it all started with sever headache on night, and it took four hours of non-stop pain that I can describe as being harder than the headache I had the next day of my brain surgery
I wrote below how things looked during the days of this test
So, I decided to do nothing but do what’s available in Jordan. I decided not to go for any medication except on the second and third night of the extreme headaches. I then stopped it
- Voltafast 50g by Novartis (for headache). Used it two nights then stopped. This worked magic!
- Liposomal Vitamin C 180 caps (3 times a day during Covid-19 and 10 days after)
- Zinc Gluconate 50 mg (2 times per day). I will continue to do this
After 14-days
Although the most difficult symptoms are gone, the reality is that some are still happening. I am afraid that the have to do with my brain tumor probably growing, as per the MRI that I did on the second day to discover why is it that I have headache (first two Covid-19 tests showed negative)
I switched to the Ketogenic Diet, and I quite the following two supplements that I used to take because I am afraid that it’s the wrong time now given that cancer is probably growing